Most of you aren't going to make it.
You'll say, "it's different this time."
→ But you'll quit our community
→ And you'll do it because you gave up
→ Because you were expecting quick results
You'll say, "it's different this time."
→ But you'll quit our community
→ And you'll do it because you gave up
→ Because you were expecting quick results
→ This isn't a quick fix
→ This is going to take time
→ If you don't put in the effort, walk
Your brain told you that you were going to make the effort this time, but it didn't last.
I've come to accept this about people.
It's human nature.
At some point you've got to show up, put in the effort, build the habits, and make the commitment.
And I promise you, when you get over that hump, the results will be more than you ever hoped for.
This is a two-way street.
The question is, are you going to start driving?