The chemistry with KB is so bad, it’s seemingly knocked Burkhardt down a peg. He was off his game tonight too and I can’t help but wonder if the added pressure of carrying Brady for four hours has caught up to him. I was never the biggest Burkhardt guy, but this was a bad showing all around.
Would take any of the other top analysts over him. He’s brutal. Teaches nothing. Everything is about him. And the new scoreboard graphics were terrible.
What’s with this weird obsession with bashing him? He was completely fine, even enjoyed him sticking to his guns and really laying into a few bad calls from the refs. He was a little awkward to start the season, but he’s really found his groove clearly and anyone claiming otherwise has a bias.
Moment that stood out to me early in the game, KB said something about Patrick Mahomes' early-career Super Bowl success, added "probably the only person who can relate to that is you."
Tom Brady: [dead air]
What can you say? Brady is awful, his contract is everything wrong with America, some loser Fox exec got scared he'd get chewed out if another network beat him to Brady. Every minute we have to put up with his crap is a big middle finger from the NFL to fans.
Your preoccupation with this is now troubling.
Brady is out of his element.
Tom Brady: [dead air]