It also seems that the hoax creator did win some money last year. The media obviously covered THAT story, but from what I read, the reporters failed to mention the secrecy in which the graph was made. The AP article that I read about it was also funded by climate change organizations. Go figure.
The AP got kicked out of the fucking White House pressroom seemingly permanently because they will not refer to the Gulf of Mexico as the Gulf of America. That just tells you how far up their ass their head is.
Interesting. So the guy who argued climate change is real refused to be transparent about his data? Sounds like bullshit to me. Interesting how the media doesn’t report on this.
Funny how nobody who claims this can name the scientist who started this "hoax." Not cool for a Christian to be bearing false witness against a guy without the integrity to name him.
Oh look, they found a small piece of land not affected by climate change. That disproves all the science! Yay I can feel better and stay with my sheep!
Are these pics taken at exactly the same time in relation to tidal activity? I’ve seen hundreds of such posts but the pics are taken when appropriate, not when relevant.
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