Todos. Todos os regimes colonialistas fizeram guerra biológica e mataram curandeiros e centros de saúde. Todos.
Todos os países europeus na África e nas Américas, EUA no vietnam. Todos.
Espero ter ajudado
Todos os países europeus na África e nas Américas, EUA no vietnam. Todos.
Espero ter ajudado
Reposted from
Tom Quinn
Israel just blew up a hospital completely in Gaza.
There's no other regime I can think if that has targeted medical workers and health facilities as persistently as Israel.
Horrific, unceasing crimes against humanity.
There's no other regime I can think if that has targeted medical workers and health facilities as persistently as Israel.
Horrific, unceasing crimes against humanity.
Mandar soldado com sífilis cuspir na cara de guerreiro indígena, empilhar defunto doente na saída de água das cidades
Cês achava que cês era o auge o fair play???