Just a reminder that #nafo is full of scams and most of it is not here for Ukraine but to grift donations like ducugavril, Georgian legion, MriyaReport, Ripley's, and many other "great" NAFO "charities".
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Scams starting with MriyaReport as early as 2022. And too many just follow fellas instead of Ukrainians. But yeah, I heard 69th is good. And they do post reports which is your photo too.
I heard only praises about WCK (World Central Kitchen).
And generally the first thing about any charity you should check is their reports. If no reports at all - better to not donate to such at all
Anyone who questions GL or PEF gets a torrent of abuse before being blocked just like GermanLions
But (no offence to fellas) the money here is peanuts next to govts and their auditing looks good
'translate' - some browsers, like Brave, let you right click and 'translate'.
they do it all the time
Challenge and you are blocked same as GL
The same as absolutely disregarding any criticism under "how dare you criticise NAFO/fellas".
That's why I deleted my "fella" ages ago. (Ironically enough I got it by donating to