"Hmph", the old man scoffed, "Magic is only a tool, the elements are only matter."
Then, he and is apprentice returned to the sawmill, where they used their wielding of the elements to split solid trunks of giant pines.
In the distance, a farmer used fire to clear out her field in the late sunlight.
Then, he and is apprentice returned to the sawmill, where they used their wielding of the elements to split solid trunks of giant pines.
In the distance, a farmer used fire to clear out her field in the late sunlight.
Reposted from
Tales & Feathers Magazine - Volume 3 available now!
It's been centuries since spells were used for anything but battle and violence. But the war has ended. How do you repurpose your magic to help navigate this strange new world called peace?
#TinyTalesTuesday #WritingPrompt
#TinyTalesTuesday #WritingPrompt