Naw...think about the South...And the south shall rise again...against the war of northern aggression..Jim Crow laws... alot of MagaQ GQPers are southern Christian racists who still are angry about their loss in the Civil War...
Nah they wont. You think Reagan or Bush 2 ever reflected how they hurt the country? You think all the cardinals and bishops ever regretted shuffling rapists from state to state and not taking a stand? Horrible folks are horrible folks. Lack of accepting the bad they do is built into the dna.
No they won't. In the '80s I taught in a district where the German teacher's grandfather had, in her words, "fought for his country,in the German army" in WWII. She asked us at lunch, "What was he supposed to do? His country was at war." They won't learn. They won't reform. They're evil.
Anyone who regrets their vote for Trump should realize that they are too stupid to vote, not even for dogcatcher. They should never vote again; they only make any problem worse.
No. They'll find a way to justify why it wasn't their fault and there's no way they could have known. Then they'll begin to shame those "heroes" for trying too hard and somehow making them look bad, while simultaneously not doing enough to warn everyone.
No they won’t. People don’t do that (or rather, so few people do it that the number is effectively zero). The best that we can hope for is that the Trump administration founders on its own stupidity and lack of empathy and common sense, and that it’s supporters quietly fade away and never return
Selflessness would need to replace selfishness enmasse.
That is a long road.
Just sayin'
They. Will. Never. Learn.