Hmmm… interesting that a “legacy” (nyt) media touted that church attendance is on the rise… they are stating Pew Research (religious group). But, Gallup says different. Feels like propaganda…
Capitalism and Christianity are fundamentally at odds. Attempts to merge the two through things like the prosperity gospel are hypocrisy and obvious to anyone.
the USA is much less Christian, driven by white people who have traded in the teachings of Jesus for those of the Orange Jesus and his white nationalist gospel.
Big Red pushes:
-End all abortions
-Encourage having kids even if you can't afford them
-Dismantle standard education
-Ruin healthcare and virus prevention
In a couple decades they'll have plenty more poor, undereducated muppets who only know prayer as a solution.
Christian is less Christian. Even the big box churches don't have crosses on their signs. I saw them all over Colorado Springs- big metal buildings. I thought they were new warehouses for Amazon. They have glitzy logos of rocks or mountains - nothing to tell you they're a Christian church.
I wrote a book review of “The Great Dechurching” a year ago. This book explains the data behind the largest research study of people leaving American churches.
According to the data, right-wing political influencers successfully branded Republicans as the Christian party. Not a surprise to many of us, but it's had a profound effect on faith in America since then.
Then there are the cultural Christians, as they're called. Only 1% believed that Jesus is the Son of God, and majorities sympathized with the #J6 rioters and/or Russia in the war with Ukraine. Again, these are people who once attended church and who identify as Christian.
This book really helped me understand what has been happening in America for the last few years, and I think it's fair to generalize here: many American Christians do not understand key gospel concepts.
A common reason I've seen (anecdotal) is hypocrisy and abuse in American churches and the unnatural marriage of faith to politics. It's both tragic and understandable.
Watching some claiming to be Christians but acting like hurting others is their jam caused me to avoid the so-called followers of the teachings of Christ. Judge them by their actions.
Christians were worried that the end of Christian religion was because folks would stop believing, when the reality is that they are destroying it themselves by harboring pedophiles and abusers and espousing hatred for their neighbors and the poor instead of following the actual teachings of Jesus.
i’m a lvl 60 disabled, cis white male that confronted pro life ALONE at PP for two years until 01.17.25 and these are direct quotes:
“14 is the ideal age for girls to be married”
“we want the ‘victim’ and the ‘predator’ to form a bond for the sake of the baby”
“come here alone again, you die”
another hidden and sinister part of the pro life/republican agenda is keeping marriage legal between adult men and children. please repost and flood their social media NOW and ask why they support archaic laws that allow them to exploit children.
I think you mean: "driven in large part by batshit crazy Christians, their attempts to burn down USA, elect fascist psychopaths, give all our $ to oligarchs, build concentration camps, oppress anyone who's not a white male, & wipe their asses w/the Constitution, democracy & the rule of law."
Not sure what they're identifying as. Identifying as a Satanist is illogical since that implicitly acknowledges the ontological underpinnings of the Christian "trinity"
The rejection of all superstitious absolutist belief systems (religions) is the proper path for humanity
Based on all the people on instagram with their family photos holding hands on the beach wearing jeans and white shirts with the hashtag blessed overlain over it I would say this is not accurate.
instagram like all social media does not accurately portray real life. similar to how if you thought bsky represented the US population you'd have expected the super bowl numbers to be low instead of record breaking.
Now let’s
Tax The Churches!
Big Red pushes:
-End all abortions
-Encourage having kids even if you can't afford them
-Dismantle standard education
-Ruin healthcare and virus prevention
In a couple decades they'll have plenty more poor, undereducated muppets who only know prayer as a solution.
- never read the New Testament, they only know a few verses of Leviticus which pander to their prejudices
- if they actually read Jesus’s teachings they’d condemn him as woke
- hates everyone that’s not white (Jesus wasn’t).
“14 is the ideal age for girls to be married”
“we want the ‘victim’ and the ‘predator’ to form a bond for the sake of the baby”
“come here alone again, you die”
The rejection of all superstitious absolutist belief systems (religions) is the proper path for humanity
But the 🇺🇸, it has a dark twist a lot of the time.
So good. Welcome to the Light!