oh for sure. aventurine would 100% threaten to sue the school (mostly as a scare tactic or a joke) but i can see him being such a protective mama bear. ratio would be as well but he's the looming presence behind aventurine threatening to sue and thats why their kid is gonna be ok
π₯Ίπ₯Ί thank u i just think ratiorine would do almost anything to protect their family (their kid and their snacks) which (in churin's case) would include murder but ratio obviously would talk him down from that LOL
Hehe, honestly i kinda view as aventurine being the more outgoing and chill parent yet he could get strict when its serious, but ratio is a strict but loving and a caring father π
of course! he is a chill parent, for sure. he's also probably the one who has to calm ratio down when he gets obsessive over the school bakery drive and teacher parent meetings because ratio is just Like That