Why do none of the financial overview apps provide the option to import a bank transaction history in a general format to cover banks that aren't implemented?
What's the point of only allowing imports from banks that already have an interface to the app and not for ones that don't???? Wtf
What's the point of only allowing imports from banks that already have an interface to the app and not for ones that don't???? Wtf
there's a European standard called OpenBanking, which the bank needs to support. This generic layer makes it very easy for the app dev to support *most* modern banks. Comparatively, supporting generic file imports is MUCH harder to get right
I tried using it, and the importer works. But there's *so* much that can go wrong. Every bank has a slightly different export format... Lots of tweaking required
Yes, just magically being able to read every Bank's csv-Export automatically is hard, but that's exactly my point.
Why, for banks where they CAN'T do that, and therefore the customer has to handle it themselves, ...
Average apps/websites targeting the average user? Probably not "necessary"
Specialised tools like Firefly-iii and YNAB support it.
I absolutely agree with you btw, it should be more common.