Hence my point. You are told not to question them but admire them and think of them as better people even though they do nothing to serve the public. I mean, how many people in the country have good manners? It doesn't give them special privileges.
Ya know, there's this one country that finally had enough of a certain King George III, and we took up arms against him. The British Empire was far larger then. I'm assuming Brits could depose of the monarchy, as it is now, if they wanted to.
If the Royal family want a statue then THEY can pay for it. Have they asked the public if they want it? NO! They are benefit scroungers and do what they want etc. Benefit scroungers like them should give back all that they have taken and if they refuse, jail them.
How the people of GB put up with these leaches, in current times, I do not understand. I realize just how sexist it is. My ancestors were “landed gentry” but ended up in the US, pushed out, due to not enough male heirs.