❤️ for an interaction
🔄 to spread
Both to plot
#openrp / #mvrp
🔄 to spread
Both to plot
#openrp / #mvrp
There's a small woman at its 'head', tearing out what appears to be a cookie brain from it.
She's panting, and breathing erratically.
Rena lands in the tripper's vicinity, making a small crater. She crashed on her face, but appears fine, getting up and starting to look around.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
The girl shakes her head, then smiles.
"I'm Rena, good to meet you."
There are lots of anomalies around at the moment, though.
"Nice to meet you, Mason."
She's whistling casually and dancing slightly.
"I see you found a place in camp."
She nods, walking around him and giggling.
"That's good. I'm happy for you Ms. Rena."
She stops in front of him, giggling.
Watching her. She's extra pretty when happy.
She's riding an unstable, surfboard-like thing and yelling while trying to slow down.
💜: “…o… kay, uh… one, add "purple woman on a sliding surfboard, or whatever board it is, flying off into the unknown" to my list of things I never thought I’d say, let alone see. Two...”
And thus, she gives chase.
💜: “You… phew… good, stranger? That stunt of yours looked all SORTS of dodgy…”
Her hoverboard floats over, staying in place calmly.
She takes Juni's hand and helps herself up.
"Thank you."
She keeps her grip on Rena’s hand, shaking it gently.
“Juniper Derek. Glad to meet you and your little… hybrid hoverboard-surfboard thing, ma’am.”