Because the online left is a bunch of feds, these arguments are a great distraction from building class consciousness. All the cuts to the American government but of course they will still be infiltrating every online leftwing space. No organizer is concerned about the legitimacy of he/him lesbians
Do we think revolutionaries in India are having huge debates about he/him lesbians? No they're organizing peasants to steal guns from cops and shoot them in the head. The masses attitudes to queer issues is something that needs to be addressed fully in a cultural revolution.
And of course this doesn't mean people should accept reactionary thinking or not organize around direct queer issues, but getting deep into the weeds about hyper specific edge cases in queer culture does nothing to build class consciousness, even amongst other queer folk
thank you for this!! i read this a couple years ago, but i've been lacking super bad on reading revolutionary texts for a bit. now's probably a good time to brush up on my reading