Guest limericks by Mike: a thread.
The next limerick’s letters are switched,
Your screen-reading software may glitch.
You may hear latin alphabets,
but in non-british accents, yet
the last post has plain text affixed.
#ALimerickADay #writing #writers #poetry #limerick
The next limerick’s letters are switched,
Your screen-reading software may glitch.
You may hear latin alphabets,
but in non-british accents, yet
the last post has plain text affixed.
#ALimerickADay #writing #writers #poetry #limerick
My øld kêyböard’s sættings håve chǎnged.
The fiχ shoulð bɛ easϒ… Thǎt’s strañgɛ:
I tũrneđ öff Scǎndinaviån,
but now it’š cøme bacķ agaıή.
(Perhåps it’s my braiñ that’s derǎngɛd.)
#ALimerickADay #writing #writers #poetry #limerick
My old keyboard settings had changed.
The fix should be easy… That’s strange.
I turned off Scandinavian,
but now it’s come back again.
(Perhaps it’s my brain that’s deranged)
#writing #writers #poetry #limerick