(little vent part 1)
As always I am unable to do anything in days like these. I am forced to stay home as we struggle economically to have a working car or buying something to celebrate with.
As always I am unable to do anything in days like these. I am forced to stay home as we struggle economically to have a working car or buying something to celebrate with.
Tricks or treats also do not exist here and my mom thinks this festivity is some satanic bs. And even if it wasn't the case, people here think wearing a costume is childish and not something I should do at my age.
So I am forced to stay here at home, watching other people having fun in this day.
I really wanted to do something for today, even a drawing, but my mind really didn't manage to find anything interesting to do, nor it really had the will due to what I said earlier.
This is just a day like others... it exists.
I feel I have lost the capacity of truly finding enjoyment and happiness through my life over time. Even if happy things happen, it's like if they are nothing to me in the grand scheme. Ever.