Probably no US President was spied on more by Soviet intelligence than Reagan. If what we're learning is true, then with some reading between the lines, the KGB was grooming Trump as a "village idiot" to help them spy on Reagan. No wonder his codename (Krasnov) is a surname that means "beautiful".
“I don’t know why it’s like this. McMaster couldn’t figure it out, Mattis couldn’t figure it out, Kelly couldn’t figure it out.”
He's absolutely dumb enough to be an intelligance asset, though.
And they want to kill us
And they want to kill us
Let it always be TRENDING.
It will make #Krasnov very angry.
I hope will pick it up and elaborate on it. If it was Biden or Kamala Harris the Republican and @FoxNews would be killing it 24/7.
You're already describing it as a coup.
What are people watching for?
A coup+? A super coup?
Recep Erdogan, Viktor Orban, Alexander Lukoshenko, Vladimír Putin.
Action only, not vigilance, would have stopped them.