So! Claws. Fingernails cut to a 90-120° point.
It's not that hard to break your skin if you go fast (that's what the scar on my left arm is from) but I prefer digging them in to soft tissue. Any soft tissue; inner thighs especially. It's amazing how much pain you can inflict with gentle movements.
It's not that hard to break your skin if you go fast (that's what the scar on my left arm is from) but I prefer digging them in to soft tissue. Any soft tissue; inner thighs especially. It's amazing how much pain you can inflict with gentle movements.
Seriously. If you've never had someone trust you enough to let you break them on a whim then you're missing out. It's such a special thing to see someone like that ...
And if anyone asks why your nails are sharpened, you can say that it makes it easier to pick up pieces of paper and small trinkets.
Just a little tip from Auntie Elsie ^-^
I got the idea of sharpening my nails from my grandmother, oddly enough; she did printmaking and sewing and various other types of art, and it really is useful.
Yay!!! Hot chocolate advice in exchange for scratchy nails advice...
oh we should have done this ages ago....
i particularly like the contrast between the soft touch of fingerpads and the sharp claws inflicted with just a slight change of grip