Trump • Musk are taking a chainsaw to the National Park Service
Last week the line to get into the Grand Canyon was backed up an hour and a half
Conservation, water &
wildfire mgmt projects have been haulted
Emergency & safety personnel have been fired
Watch this:
Last week the line to get into the Grand Canyon was backed up an hour and a half
Conservation, water &
wildfire mgmt projects have been haulted
Emergency & safety personnel have been fired
Watch this:
We will not acquiesce to adding trump’s likeness.
I have never despised any one person so I have this person.
He doesn’t deserve to be in the Capitol.
He doesn’t deserve to start his name with a capital.
Forever to be known as tRump
Plus, if he sees it it’ll piss him off.
Be cautious, take safety measures but don’t stop using them.
Low number will be used as an argument to shut them down & liquidate natural resources. They’ll be ruined. I have no doubt they’ll do this.
My parents instilled a love of the Parks in me and I’ve passed it down to my children.
There are no words. 😭😭