Definitely a curse! There are great ELNs out there, with specific features for their communities. It is important that we find a way for easy data transfer from one ELN to another one and people are working on this (see the ELN consortium).The dream is easy data transfer between different ELNs :)
- Electronic Lab Notebooks: One notebook to rule them all :
Having just completed a year long roll-out of LabArchives then yay and nay! Our biggest users are an eclectic bunch including lab, computational and field scientists, so a single platform can work provided it is sufficiently flexible. 1/2
And it benefits smaller academic institutes with fewer resources - standardised processes, hopefully predictable audits. But it does mean missing out on integrations with more specialist systems, however, I don't think that's always the issue its claimed to be - we don't have the 💰 for those! 2/2
That’s a really thoughtful take—thanks for sharing! Sounds like flexibility was a big deal for your diverse group, and it’s awesome that LabArchives helped with standardizing processes and audits. Totally get how budget constraints can make those fancy integrations less of a priority.
- How to implement Electronic Lab Notebooks properly:
- The Evolution of the Scientist’s Notebook:
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