Omg yess !!! I can’t stand people/BOTs who spam follow accounts 😭. I had to block dozens of them by now, and I heard that blocking them doesn’t even remove them from your followers list…Being able to block them before they can find my account is such a relief.
Crap. This caught a few (very tiny few) news sites/resources from my news feed I need in my life. Rolling back to 10k. Also went through my following and culled a bunch of folks.
Hahah, I specifically stuck to folks who had hit the labelers, or low likely interaction. Stayed away from Moots, unless they showed clear signs of Mass following. Also moved folks from following to a list instead. A lot of invalid.Handles. A lot of people who clearly bailed 4 months ago.
Yeah, most of my followers came after one post from one of the mass signup days. I'm sure two thirds of them probably haven't signed in since a few days after that.
Same. I'm generally pretty careful about who I follow. I had one not so great experience with someone's starter pack and now go through them one at a time. :D I still managed to wreck my 'following' feed, so it's about time I did this.
If you want to scrub the AI pollution out of your timeline, here is your Daddy! Please don't report chatbots to them, they only do IMAGES.
I was initially more skeptical about the platform, seeing how common those problems are and not having the energy to deal with it by hand - but the solution is much simpler than I hoped. Much appreciated.
My pleasure! Make sure you check out my replies, this turned into a thread about other useful lists/labelers. Might find more resources for what ails ya :D
Yeah… I even subbed to the 5k one (which you think should auto scrub the higher amounts).
It has helped a lot at limiting annoying bot follows (and I guess some non bots that for some reason follow wayyyyy too many accounts than they can reasonably keep track of).
Cool! I notched down from 20k, and only know of one legit artist account that’s following 15k . I wish I had a good sense of the line between ‘oops, clicked in too many starter packs’ vs the creepy b00st crowd
Maybe I just have low tolerance, but I figure most people who want to actually see stuff from folks they follow would notice things getting kinda hectic once it got over several thousand. But I may be wrong - as in real life, I’m sure it’s easy to just let things pile up if you’re not careful.
As someone who overzealously followed back in the early days, you are exactly correct. I see a lot of great art, but I don't see a lot of my favorites or friends in my feed anymore. I wish there was some faster following-edit tools.
I did that for people i know in meat space/IRL, its soo helpful. Have been weirdly reticent to make a 'favourites' (yes, I'm reverting to Canadian spelling now :D ) as I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings with exclusion. :P I should get over it.
I was initially more skeptical about the platform, seeing how common those problems are and not having the energy to deal with it by hand - but the solution is much simpler than I hoped. Much appreciated.
It has helped a lot at limiting annoying bot follows (and I guess some non bots that for some reason follow wayyyyy too many accounts than they can reasonably keep track of).
Or a list (easier to set up, but catches all posts from the accounts on it).