The immunity ruling, Sotomayor said, “‘lies about like a loaded weapon’ for any President that wishes to place his own interests, his own political survival or his own financial gain above the interests of the Nation.”
Trump’s pointing the loaded weapon at us.
Trump’s pointing the loaded weapon at us.
There is only one way to handle it.
If you know anyone who voted for this, delete them from your life. They’re either too stupid or evil to be there.
Trump has immunity and every underling has the promise of pardon. The courts have no enforcement powers. Republican Congress has abdicated its authority to legislate and control the funding.
"All nine justices agreed that Colorado cannot remove Trump from the ballot. "
Oh. Oh well.
Remarkable people really rising to the moment.
No more elections
It was loud and clear
Seeing what he tried the first time, then asking for and receiving immunity, we should not be surprised. This is exactly what we should have expected.We cannot afford to be silent. If we say/do nothing, the story won’t end well (for US).
The Robert's Court will go down in infamy.
Immunity only covers so much.
I thought you promised this wouldn’t happen again.
Time to send the old bitch across the rainbow bridge.