Arrest that man! He's spreading dangerous and highly toxic disinformation that could hurt people! He's consciously leading people into real pain.
I should know, I preordered the deluxe edition years ahead. The opening minutes of the game almost killed me with super cringe and bad gameplay
A site called Game Till You Drop which is long gone now (I think the owner had a motorcycle accident) and another site called Einfo Games I think. Both reviews are thankfully gone but I was saddled with reviewing it twice because I owned it basically. I usually wrote news.
The game pretty much seems like it was made by someone who only had a surface level understanding of Duke as a character and just distilled it to the most basic interpretation.
The Doctor Who Cloned Me DLC is closer to what the game's should have been in terms of tone and gameplay... but it's still built on cracked foundation...
Damn you Randy Pitchford...
what was your favourite bit
I should know, I preordered the deluxe edition years ahead. The opening minutes of the game almost killed me with super cringe and bad gameplay
Next week we're gonna get someone defending Hexen's puzzle solving.
bloody hell mate
(Makes me a pretty horrible friend, in hindsight)
By the time Duke Nukem Forever came out, we had No More Heroes.
it would have been heralded as the greatest comedic gag of all time, to the point where its quality as a game would have been rendered meaningless
That movie was not that bad!