But with enough patience he shall make his lover understand that he too is not quite living until he takes his side. Until he accepts his salvation.
Lips run down the redhead's cheek to his neck, kissing with familiarity and breathing in the scent that always brings him solace. -
Lips run down the redhead's cheek to his neck, kissing with familiarity and breathing in the scent that always brings him solace. -
"You don't know because you constantly fight it... You fight against being more... seeing beyond..." he mutters, free hand roaming up his side to his chest, memorising every contour as silver strands cascade -
"What holds you so firmly to this place...?" serpent gaze searches the younger's as he hovers him, clothed waists pressing together. His hand moves to grab at the bend of his knee.
"Leave with me, red." he -
"Leave with me and I will reconsider burning down this entire city."
“I fight my own death,” he mutters, struck momentarily dumb —