One of my best ever dad feats was moving a sleeping child *from* their bed *to* the car seat otherwise we were going to be very late. Never repeated, still bring it up when I can.
I used to carry mine to the bathroom while sleeping every night while they were potty training. Theyβd pee, then Iβd put them back into bed. Theyβd sleep right through it. Theyβre still quite a sleepy bunch in their 20s!
Great you have a buggy that does not push the kid into the wind, dust, flies and other flying detritus and they can see your face when you are talking to them β€οΈ
You'll do it one time with the child completely unconscious throughout. Next time you'll breathe softly whilst still 10 feet from the buggy and they'll scream like they've seen an axe murderer
Bravo to those who have!