It's been pretty enlightening that Trump has been in power for like four days and liberals are instantly treating the totally unchanged policy as a horrific escalation, purely because someone wearing a red tie is doing it. "kids in cages" all over again.
Reposted from
Mary Gillis
Framing Biden actively participating in a genocide as the Dems "not doing enough on Gaza" is a choice.
People are just falling all over themselves to absolve Biden and Harris for their role in Harris's loss.
People are just falling all over themselves to absolve Biden and Harris for their role in Harris's loss.
Voters can't run the campaign for them.
Doesn't mean it's not normal to hate them and want them all gone for running on a losing strategy they knew was losing.
I don’t know how anyone can be this delusional.
I still listen to NPR to understand and none of that breaks through the "it's complicated/terrorists!/only democracy in the ME" frame. It's totally demoralizing.
It's not voters' faults. The people in power DO have the option to do better, but they refuse to.
Instead of the millions of racist misogynists who wouldn't vote for a black woman.
My favorite unchanged policy is removing security detail from people that the red tie man hates.
That's not a Biden policy.
So far. his first term, Trump sometimes make a vague series of tweets declaring a new policy, and then government offices would scramble to comply. See for example:
Democracy as a team sport.
You know they are reacting to Trump announcing People from Gaza should be all deported to Egypt, right?
People can also be angry at future project, not just current policies.
“We do think it’s important that American citizens who are in Gaza be allowed to leave and it’s an issue that we are working on”