Hmm… maybe you should take some of your own medicine.
grin·go noun DEROGATORY
(in Spanish-speaking countries and contexts, chiefly in the Americas) a person, especially an American, who is not Hispanic or Latino.
I bet a lot of people already said this but I'll add a bit from my own experience learning foreign languages. Don't trust dictionaries/Google 100%. Always trust a native over archived knowledge. And nobody in Brazil says 'estrangeiro' unless they are a reporter or are in a formal setting.
its not used in a derogatory way here. or are u gonna try to teach me about my own country? foreigners raped and murdered our indigenous tribes to colonize us, and u think saying the word “gringo” is on the same level of historical prejudice? whats next? u gonna talk about reverse racism??
Be what you want to be and say what you want to say.
Fact of the matter is, gringo is derogatory no matter how you use it.
Just like you can’t use the “N” word without it being derogatory, unless you are talking about the country of Niger, which is spelled slightly differently than the slur.
gringo is not like the n word. in brazil is an informal way of saying foreigner and most of times brazilians use it in neutral/positive ways. (just search "gringos" here and you gon see it) we don't put the same deepness of imperialism in this word like hispanic latinos use to do.
fun fact: the N word in brazil is also not derogatory. yes, even with the hard R in it. stop basing everything in the US, yall dont rule the world. we dont have to adapt to your view of things, in the same way you dont have to adapt to ours.
Estou notando algumas reações negativas a este skeet e quero deixar algo bem claro. Eu não incentivo nem condono a sexualização de pessoas brasileiras. Apenas acho que o BlueSky está melhor agora que vocês estão aqui.
Obrigado por tornar o BlueSky ainda mais interessante!
i believe you, it is better to delete the butt pics tho. you mean it in a good way. others look at it and think brazil = ass. we deal with a lot of that. and it sucks.
or should I say, "blurk"?
grin·go noun DEROGATORY
(in Spanish-speaking countries and contexts, chiefly in the Americas) a person, especially an American, who is not Hispanic or Latino.
Fact of the matter is, gringo is derogatory no matter how you use it.
Just like you can’t use the “N” word without it being derogatory, unless you are talking about the country of Niger, which is spelled slightly differently than the slur.
Obrigado por tornar o BlueSky ainda mais interessante!
Me desculpe se esta é uma tradução ruim, eu não falo português
I do not condone or encourage the sexualization of Brazilian people. I just think BlueSky is better now that you guys are here.
Thank you for making BlueSky worth visiting even more!