The Witcher 3 is one of those games you can replay multiple times and still be left mind-blown by how amazing it is.


It's also amazing it's on the Switch.
Ayee 🔥
I'm so excited to get to it. I've only heard great things. And so far, the first game has been a blast too.
Nearly 10 years old and has aged beautifully - blood and wine was a wonderful send off for Geralt
Is Witcher 3 really that good?
By the standards of a mid 2010's RPG from Poland, it is definitely one of the best. By the standards of a AAA billion dollar RPG, it puts a ton of other AAA billion dollar RPGs to shame
It’s THAT good 🥲
Is the combat in the game good?
Absolutely and there’s a lot of variety and different ways to tackle a situation. It’s even better on harder difficulties. 🙌
There's so much to do 🤯
Mind blowing and relapsing a Gwent addiction
Me every time I see your memes tbh
Bros got me crying on a Saturday night
Ironically I've tried to get into it about 5 times and drop it after 5-10 hours every time.
I wish I felt the same 😔
Or you could get a wife and kids. Then you won’t have time to finish it once.
That’s why I get them to bed at 7:30pm on the dot. 8pm onwards is mummy and daddy time.
This is the main reason why i want to get hooked on it the way the community is
What about the game do you think is particularly special? I’m new to the series and started it a while back, but nothing grabbed me in the first 30-40 minutes. I’ve always wanted to try it again, but is it a game for people that enjoy Skyrim-style open world games rather than narrative-driven ones?
I think part of it is how well thought out the world is, characters have understandable motivations and monsters have weaknesses that are easy to guess/remember
So good world building? I’m not surprised considering it’s based on a novel series. I think for me I’d just like a clear narrative track to follow rather than the player-driven flow of Skyrim. I get bored so quickly if it’s down to me to find the fun 🤣
It’s the unexpected side-quest stories that keep me coming back to it
Like RD2 style? I loved that stuff
Nothing grabbed you? IIRC in 30 minutes we're treated to a kickass CGI battle, moderately impressive mountain vistas and a well designed Kaer Morhen, hot Yennefer, hot Geralt, some Wild Hunt omens, a fight with some goblins, a griffin.... yeah that's a lot!
Damn I must have been playing at a snail pace, I cannot remember a griffin! 🤣 I do remember hot Yennefer tho 😙 that’s one reason I want to give it another go 😏
Arron is one of those accounts you type in the Handle in the search bar for, rather than hoping they'll pass by just scrolling the timeline. You're so right man and I gotta replay that game early 2025 🔥
Damn dude I love you 😭
Couldn't even finish it once. Too many question marks on the map. Always drop it in skellige after seeing the map full of shit.
Speaking of, I need to finish some achievements.
I beat it on Death March my first play. I just missed a few things.
Your first play was on death march ???? 👀👀
I love RPGs. I don’t know why I did that but yeah I’m insane. I didn’t finish all the DLC if I remember right either.
You’re the top dawg
I gotta be honest and say as a person who must clear off the map, I still haven't beaten 3 because I get to Skellige and see all those POI's light up on the map out in the ocean and get overwhelmed. And like I know that there's nothing in the vast majority but i gotta pick up the shiny
It's my favorite game ever. The story is so fantastic, I remember missing my friends when the main quest was over and they didn't talk to me anymore. 😆
Playing through for the fourth time and I'm still discovering new things.
It’s really that good?
That's what people say. I've tried getting into it twice but i never got hooked. I've just started again before Christmas and this time i will at the minimum complete the story and the DLC's
Wasn’t until my third try that I got hooked. I think it was the Bloody Baron storyline that got me
Same here. Started twice but it’s still there on my Steam backlog. It taunts me.
Yeah it's definitely not a game for everyone. For me, it's the sign magic that is the biggest turn off
Have you considered saying "screw the magic" and just sword-playing/potion guzzling your way through everything?
Oh i have. But i'm the kinda guy that likes to take advantage of every game mechanics
Agree! Gonna be doing what I think is my 5th or 6th playthrough next year and I can't wait 🤣
CDPR are great devs! What they’ve done with The Witcher 3 and now with Cyberpunk 2077, despite how it launched, has been nothing short of amazing
One of the best devs out there fr
I've only ever played through it once, at launch. Did EVERYTHING on that map. It was so daunting the first time I'm scared to ever attempt it again.
Do it 🗿
You're a terrible influence!
Witcher 3 kinda reminds me of you bro
Damn bro… I know you told me to post the kai leng thing a while back but I can’t be mad at you about it anymore.

Just gimme a hug man
Told you what
Comment image
I just wish the character build options actually mattered. You can go into it hoe er you want but you’re always playing exactly the same stories with the same play style
Weeeelllllll, your "build" is "Witcher", who are supposed to be acrobatic spellswords. So you fulfill that role pretty handily! Not like you're expected to pick up full plate mail and claymores
They give you a skill tree that literally doesn’t matter and has no effect on gameplay lol
It’s the comfort game over here - such an immersive world 😌
And you always get to end the playthrough on the bright and sunny blood and wine dlc
I really hope they put as much effort and quality testing in the new one as well. I am hyped but cautiously.
As far as I could tell it wasn’t all that. The combat is clunky, and even picking up loot is really awkward, and the premise, that he’s following his girlfriend as if she can’t look after herself, when she obviously can, is sexist. I wish I’d played it soon enough to get a refund.
Absolutely. I’m still finding so many secrets whenever I replay it. 🫶

Cannot wait for TW4. To ease the agony of waiting I’ll replay the other Witchers another million times 🤣
It’s gonna be amazing !
Super excited for it too 🙌
Me every time. It's my favorite game for a reason 😭❤️
So is cyberpunk 👀
I LOVE CYBERPUNK AND I PLAY IT FOR THE STORY ( Judy ). this is your cue to play it again hehe ⚔️
hehehe 🤭 might get the other version and finish that too 🤷🏻‍♂️
Absolutely. I'm playing through it right now for the 5th time...and it still feels just as incredibly engaging as the first time I played through it🥰
Currently on my 5th playthru.
After I beat AW2 I think I’m gonna play through The Witcher 3. Been hearing a good things about it.
This is the way
I'm playing for the billionth time and my son is scolding me because I should be playing Zelda instead
Yes! I also like games like DOS2 where u can replay it 10 times and still find new interactions and side quests you’ve never seen before
So i'm guessing it's worth picking up?
It absolutely is, just another gem from Larian
Ive only played it once let me play it again and get back to you