There was once a time when games for said Xbox had instruction booklets inside. Each booklet would give you lore and hype you up for the game before you played it
I used to unplug the vending machines at school and plug my 360 in. Had that screen that hooked into the back of the 360 that was like 480 resolution lol
9 in the original extended 3 year warranty, when I called for the 10th they said the warranty was over. I got pissed because of how many I had and they wouldn't help so I got PS3. Less than a year later I ended up buying the hardware refresh 360 🤣
Oblivion, Skyrim, Mass Effect Trilogy, Bioshock, Gears of War series, Halo 3, ODST, and Reach, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, Borderlands 2, Assassin's Creed 2, Red Dead, GTA 4 & 5... the list goes on and on it was just an amazing time to game.
With this playing in the background!
*children gasp audibly*
Got my money back as store credit when that happened to me and I got a ps3 and 15 preowned games with it.
Wonder what they go for these days. What a great console.
9 in the original extended 3 year warranty, when I called for the 10th they said the warranty was over. I got pissed because of how many I had and they wouldn't help so I got PS3. Less than a year later I ended up buying the hardware refresh 360 🤣