After seeing the hater comment you received,I too found a missed hater comment on one of my fics💀 If they want you to write for the other ship then maybe they should do it themselves… but also,lowkey a compliment at how great your writing is that they wished you shipped differently? *Positive twist👀
People really get that bored??!
But same!! -We- as writers are 💯 capable of writing for the other team no prob but do we wanna? Ehhh😂
I've let people pick pairings for me with wine in my system and sober... like I WOULD IF I WASN'T CALLED SLURS!!? IM NOT ASKING MUCH LOL
But yeah, I 💯 get ya! It’s absolutely uncalled for when they start with those types of remarks 😮💨
From the moments we’ve talked here&there over time ~ you’re such a kind, funny, interesting person so keep shining brightly✨