As she realized that she had been addressed the lanky Redshirt quickly turned around and nodded at the other.
"Oi! Yes! New! Slowly but surely exploring..."
She did a wide, almost even goofy grin, and while her intentions were peaceful, her particularly enthusiastic way of conducting herself,
"Oi! Yes! New! Slowly but surely exploring..."
She did a wide, almost even goofy grin, and while her intentions were peaceful, her particularly enthusiastic way of conducting herself,
Reposted from
Intendant Kira Nerys
“You new on the station, Starfleet?”
“You new on the station, Starfleet?”
paired with the opaque, red visor she was wearing obstructing her facial mimic made her appear far more insane than she was.
(Not saying the she was /not/ already insane to begin with...)