My son is now 17 and doing A-Levels and not 18 until after next season starts and we sit in the East Stand where there are no concessions for 18-21. He has been classed as a young person 18-21 so his ticket price will rise from £327 to £940.
The drive is to reduce number of ST holders, club can make much more selling tickets match by match via ballots given we are always sold out. Can't see any STs that are not renewed being put back on sale.
Traditional fans being priced out. The atmosphere will disappear soon. What makes us special will be lost. Success may come, but for me, at too great a cost. Gain trophies. Lose your soul.
For sure, the process has already begun. I know many who used to attend for decades who can no longer afford to. The atmosphere is generally poor now during games. Work Flags have done well to encourage pre match atmosphere, but it's not as it used to be, for certain