My 'discover' page seems to be a lot of American sports. I must have clicked 'interested in sports' when signing up.
How can I change this to be purely football?
Doesn't appear to be a way to change your interests, or a 'not interested' button on specific posts to get the algorithm to adapt? 🤷‍♂️
How can I change this to be purely football?
Doesn't appear to be a way to change your interests, or a 'not interested' button on specific posts to get the algorithm to adapt? 🤷‍♂️
Thanks anyway
I've put in NFL and NBA and the posts seem to have slowed down.
Click 'see less like this'.
I had all NFL stuff to begin with but nothing now.
It fixes itself pretty quickly.
Thanks mate.
I think I must have pressed the 3 dots on the actual post rather than on the post while on the discover page and so there was no show more/show less options ⤵️
I'm a dad of 2 so it's acceptable for me to start acting like someone's da discovering social media for the first time ok
Theres some already set in settings > feeds
My life doesn't have room for any more sports