race is a thing made to categorize people into different racialized groups (e.g. black, asian) and then ascribe stereotypical qualities onto those groups. notably, white is not a racialized group - rather, it is the one non-racialized group. white is a non-race. you can't be racist to white people.
to be racist to white people is to be racist to a snail. you can't be fucking racist to a snail. snails don't have a race. white people do not have a race - only the absence of racialization.
Yeah I mean you’re right about all of this. And while it is possible to imagine and perhaps even find possible scenarios where due to the social nature of it all those things are flipped around, it’s such a theoretical and hypothetical thing as to be rendered irrelevant in real life.
the closest you really get is like... bigoted actions fueled by a reactionary backlash against racialization (white farmers being expelled from south africa) or general resentment towards white people for our general lack of awareness of the mechanisms of racism and propensity to recreate them
and none of those are racism, even if whiteness is superficially similar to a race and those negative sentiments or even bigotries do happen to intersect with the topic of racism itself. it just looks like racism if you know near nothing about racism, lmao.
oh those cases yeah, it's absolutely not. What I mentioned is even more theoretical and weird, being about the concept of white not being a race. Since that's based on social determinants, ones which feasibly could be different. But at that point we're multiple contrivance layers deep so who cares?
It's not irrational to distrust white people.
Clowns are funny.