So, I'm super curious how that works. They obviously can't use characters or locations from the later books. But is there provisions to include things like details for people who are in the first book, but you only learn the details in later books?
Do they plan on heavily using a narrator? Head-Murderbot is as big a star as material-Murderbot. Maybe bigger. This is what I worry about for the show. It would lose so much if they turn it into mere action-science-fiction.
Maybe they could have the screen broken in multiple screens - like 2 small screens on the left and a big one on the right. It’s how I imagine while reading the books. I can already see a need to rewatch to catch all that’s going on. Better make tiny screen text readable…/1
I must confess that I had to re-read passages sometimes several times in the thick of the action in the books (as a simple stupid human with a slow processor). /2