Definitely not animation, it is too detailed for that. And something is off with the way the cat moves which makes me think this is AI. And the eyes also.
I actually don't think it is this time surprisingly, and I'm pretty good at picking up AI posts. The cat admittedly does look fake but look at the closer details and even the area around it. The hands of the person are moving too realistically for it to be AI. Idk looks too well detailed for AI
The only thing that's really getting me is I've never seen a cat's face look like that before. (I've grown up with cats.) But it could also be a unique cat 😅
Right?? 😂 That's what's confusing the hell out of me. I know cat's eyes can be surprisingly expressive and animated (pun not intended) but this is definitely unnerving.
Although the eyes are catching me. I don't think they're AI, but animated I don't think so (I'm just trying to picture the cat content I've seen now😅) although less certain of it and have less explanation for it. The cat looked like it was responding too naturally. (Even the eyes, to a degree.)
I honestly think that (if this isn't animation and or ai, which I don't think it's ai) just a weirdly unrealistic realistic looking cat. (Again if there's no special effects or whatever added)
I've always associated AI with slow and weirdly smooth movements, kind of like what it looks like when you paint and rub your finger across it. (At least for videos.) These movements look too natural. I look for movements in videos I suspect of AI. Animation wise though, I also think no?
I can totally be wrong here.