I rarely swear either, but that started to loosen around 2020 when husband and I started watching CNN to find out more about Covid and I saw 'that guy' telling ppl to inject themselves with bleach. 4 yrs later, my filters are not repaired.
My mother died two years ago at 82. She disapproved of swearing, particularly by us. But still, watching Donald deliver some of his nastiness at some point, she uttered, “Ohhhhhh, he is SUCH an asshole.”
My friend told me tonight that she has shocked her husband of 40 years with her swearing this week-while swearing, something I’ve never heard from her before. As a physician, she is usually very cool, calm and collected.
Swear words are sentence enhancers when used properly.
Suprise: Fuuuuuuck?!
Glee: Fucking hell yeah!
Disappointment: Fuck fuck fuck muther fucker.
Victory: Shit yeah!
Etc etc.
Swearing is a form of sublimation of anger, rage, and even the urge to punch someone’s face. Therefore, it’s a healthy thing. If it makes you feel good, then it’s working. Keep calm and carry on swearing.
My 80 y.o. mother moved in with me a few years back and I’ve been apologizing to her frequently.
“Sorry for all the f-bombs lately, Mom” She said she might have to let some out, too.
That happened to me when my two boys became toddlers… found myself dropping f bombs under my breath on a fairly regular basis.
Now it’s just out loud because of another toddler.
Suprise: Fuuuuuuck?!
Glee: Fucking hell yeah!
Disappointment: Fuck fuck fuck muther fucker.
Victory: Shit yeah!
Etc etc.
“Sorry for all the f-bombs lately, Mom” She said she might have to let some out, too.
I was moving a mirror yesterday and accidentally placed it down hard on my toe. It helped immensely to swear ☺️
Now it’s just out loud because of another toddler.