Keep pearl-clutching, MAGA. Everyone else, just ignore the bad faith wailing and move on.
Here are the high-profile pardons and commutations Trump has granted during his presidency
Here are the high-profile pardons and commutations Trump has granted during his presidency
They will always hold Biden's feet to the fire while giving convicted criminal Trump a pass.
He was sentenced to 25 yrs, later reduced to 15 years, & granted parole in 2014 after serving < 5 yrs of his sentence.
He stabbed a wounded 17 y/o POW with a hunting knife, posed with his corpse & sent the photo to his friends.
So to even things out :-
Trump gets to free hundreds of thugs who tried to violently overthrow democracy at his urging as part of his coup attempt.
Wouldn't be surprised if all of Trump's pardon were purchased.
We. Don't. Give. A. Single. Fvck.
And now he's made him Ambassador to France!
that they don't really believe anything that they say,
that everything is done only to achieve a goal
THEN it all makes sense
otherwise you are just chasing whatever bs they are throwing out today to distract you
Trump also used the dog days of his first presidency to pardon the rogues’ gallery of Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort and Roger Stone."
Stopped clock yadda yadda yadda.