How Can Medicare For All Fix Our Corrupt and Broken Health Care System?
I talk to on how our for-profit health care system profits off of American death and misery, and why Universal Health Care is the cure.
I talk to on how our for-profit health care system profits off of American death and misery, and why Universal Health Care is the cure.
So you mean something else?
Meds free or dirt cheap. Service is usually walk-in or next day.
It's shockingly nice out here in the civilized world.
The movie “Elysium” comes to mind. You can bet that is exactly where we are headed. Yarvin and Thiel believe in slavery and genetic superiority, so how do you see that playing out for Americans? Close to five-figure deductibles, with thousand dollar premiums?
Bc I had the audacity to get an illness for which there is no cure, & the med debt I've racked up bc Medicare only covers 80% (can't afford Advantage, make too much for Medicaid) is due to 1 $40k monthly infusion medication, so--no fix unless changed.
Now that I think about it, good quEstion, test it out on all lawmakers & filthy rich 1ST. Start asking is it worth keeping you or your kids alive if you get a tumor or develop a life threatening disease, we're going to let the people decide!
Not sure this gets you what you'd like. I mean, it'd be *better* but it'd still be expensive.