These incarcerated "DEI" hires are helping fight the fires as conservative assholes like James Woods, who lost his home, and Scott Jennings are pouring gasoline to fuel their culture war and hatred of people of color.
We have devastating fires in Australia too but we have steel roofing or concrete tiles which do not catch fire under ember attack!
Why have flammable roofing!
In Canada, which has suffered devastating wildfires, there's a big push on (at least in BC) to 'Firesmart' our homes and communities.
With many actors I wonder how they are able to play such truly vile characters. Not with James Woods. It's painfully obvious.
It’s disgusting.
And should be illegal.
As should James Woods acting - which thankfully has disappeared on screen.
All he can do it whine and moan while people risk their lives for his benefit.
The private prison industrial complex should be banned in this country
Legalized slavery
Absolutely disgraceful
They aren't. The Guardian provided link:
How did sending surplus firefighting gear to Ukrainian emergency responders contribute to this disaster?
Help me understand this.
Same job. Same labor. Same risk of life.
Do they get out early for this?