The messaging is simple: It's us, the 99%, versus Trump and his friends, the 1%. Us vs the elites. Us vs. the oligarchy. They're taking all of our money and wealth.
But then you have to back it up with passion, rhetoric, and policies. Will Dems give up on billionaire donors? Nope.
But then you have to back it up with passion, rhetoric, and policies. Will Dems give up on billionaire donors? Nope.
Reposted from
The New York Times
Democrats plan to focus on President-elect Trump’s billionaire allies as they gear up for a fight over his proposed tax cuts. It’s a strategy that suggests that President Biden’s farewell warning about an emerging “oligarchy” could have some resonance.
They, along with the multinational CEO’s, are the ones responsible for firing American workers and offshoring manufacturing to replace them with cheap foreign workers.
Not that it matters. Even Bolsheviks had then millionaire donors, didn't do any harm.
Our problem is, 40% of the country absolutely refuse to see it as 99 vs 1. Donors or not donors
Attend MLK celebrations.
Leave your TV on!
Get Trump where it really hurts…his ego.