My latest: Republicans and Musk To Americans: "Time to Die"
Not every day I can use an exquisite Blade Runner quote to describe the GOP's pro-death march, but here we are, folks.
Hope you can read and share.
Not every day I can use an exquisite Blade Runner quote to describe the GOP's pro-death march, but here we are, folks.
Hope you can read and share.
Women die because of ignorant anti-abortion legislation.
Children die because "gun rights" became a mantra.
People die from lack of medical care.
They shrug, life's tough for the hoi polloi.
They stopped a PBM bill, to create better access to meds.
There is another major problem.
#Measles reduces by up to 75% PRIOR immunity, either from vaccines or naturally-acquired, to the full range of other infectious agents. #tuberculosis #WHO
You first Herr Grandpa
Good times, right?
Musk 📍Maga📍Congress & 🟧 2.0 ARE the actual, living, breathing, evil embodiment of the Death Panels.
Rich people count & deserve more.
Plebs don't count & serfs should be grateful to work for the rich.
Yeah. Got it.
Who will be Brutus and who is Caesar?
We should all start calling it the "Pro-Death Budget Bill" as you mentioned.
We must learn how to message more effectively.
"Pro-Death Budget Bill" will open eyes, ears, and minds.
Because it is relatable on an emotional level it will resonate.
"Tax-cuts for the rich."
Many poor and middle- income people don't comprehend or can't even relate to tax breaks.
We should be saying, "This "Pro-Death Bill" will take needed money away from you to make rich people richer!
It's a reverse Robin Hood.
Well said 👏
I’m sick of Eugenicist Democrats like saying
“people will get hurt”, when we are DYING!
Show the Death Stats of that Bill, & make the Republican Fascists sign their names to that!
what do you think will happen to all these people...?
what do you think will happen to all these people...?
every harm - every crisis - every death belongs to
Trump & # Republicans
Never forget
I said it from day one and I wish that I was wrong because they seem determined that the whole world is going to go out with a bang with them
They said they have never really been worried about it coming to the US...but they are now.