Trump, Musk and Republicans are drunk off power, ego, and functioning with 0 accountability or checks. Like I said before, they are playing on some dangerous territory.
Going after veterans? Medicaid? Social Security?
Yeah...even hardcore Republican voters won't accept that.
Going after veterans? Medicaid? Social Security?
Yeah...even hardcore Republican voters won't accept that.
the damages aren't yet real enough to the cultists - just hearsay and false news.
when reality catches up to them, it ain't gonna be pretty
Sending lots of love from Canada
It's like everybody in the US should go to summer camp in a Nordic country
Something bad for them/everyone is going to happen soon
Why fight IRS? Because they tried to get Trump to pay taxes.
Personal resentments are driving US policy.
Very little, evil men.
Imagine - they are getting even.
Trump and Republicans could blame Biden for the next 4 years and I worry too many Americans will believe it.
Starve them of attention & instant reaction
Starve them of revenue, numbers & ratings
Starve them of raging and violence
Racism and Trans, a distraction parade.
While cutting rich taxes and Medicaid.
MAGA liked him demonizing vulnerable.
Will they notice no seat at the table?
I hope I'm wrong
You can’t teach old dogs new tricks.
And for too many, money is more important than values, ethics & morals. Even love.
Those qualities are seriously lacking in many parts of the US.
Honestly, I would love to be wrong.
Trump has set fire abd republicans are pouring gasoline on the fire.
They, together are burning down America.
We are about to be in the middle of a burnt civilization.
I have had conversations with many Republicans recently about his cutting Medicaid/SS/Jobs etc. And they all spew the same regurgitated nonsense about waste and fraud.
when 'we the people' realize it 'us against them'; largely 'we the people' vs the 1%/oligarch class - things will change,
and hopefully it will be in time to save our democracy
Do you really think any republican in this country gives a fuck about veterans?
Because if you do, you need to go look at the history of republican voting for veteran's benefits.