Planning isn't a "chokehold" on growth. It's there to ensure sustainable growth.
Bats didn't hold up HS2. Politics & mismanagement did.
Sad to see the Prime Minister's caricature of regulators as blockers. It'd be utter short-termism to ditch planning rules for a quick economic hit.
Bats didn't hold up HS2. Politics & mismanagement did.
Sad to see the Prime Minister's caricature of regulators as blockers. It'd be utter short-termism to ditch planning rules for a quick economic hit.
quite. and what Starmer is saying is we're going to change all that. "Planning" is a variable, not a fixed constraint. there will always be "Planning", it just won't be what is present today. to think otherwise is being part of the problem.
Here's hoping for a land use framework that:
🎄allocates space for nature
🎄links to planning decisions & incentives
🎄pools developer funds for nature.
Is there an AI Prime Ministerial script writer with anti-animal coding?
Obviously there are ways to improve the way we implement our species protection laws but to suggest they're the cause of a stagnant economy is totally wrong.
Imagine mix of Afflecks MCR, Mercato metropolitano LDN, Leeds Corn Exchange, Spanish or Italian type indoor markets & homes, art & culture, breweries nearby
In contrast we are killing wildlife, destroying landscapes and allowing intrusive human activity and disturbance even in protected areas.
Wildlife needs a breath of fresh air.
Worrying that the PM supports the Tory theft of millions, how else could such a tunnel cost 100M? Is he in on it too?