Our Marine Protected Area network is big, but it's not strong. Just 44% of protected species & habitats are in good condition.
The Environmental Improvement Plan promised byelaws to stop harmful fisheries in 2024, but only 60% are done.
Defra must get back on track quickly.
The Environmental Improvement Plan promised byelaws to stop harmful fisheries in 2024, but only 60% are done.
Defra must get back on track quickly.
Also a notable silence about Highly Protected Marine Areas. There are just 3 tiny HPMAs so far. More are needed to allow marine life to recover (including fisheries) and to help meet the #30x30 pledge.
Two things struck me when reading the paper’s executive summary
1. It appears to include inshore waters not limited to tidal
2. I’m not used to reading references to *bylaws in such papers where primary legislation and ministerial oversight is concerned
I wonder how *uncommon this is