~ love you. *She rubbed her back.* I can see it in their eyes. *Her soothing and caring voice whispered.* Everyone let's just unpack and have a good time. Let's wait for the others. There are a lot of things to talk about tomorrow. I won't be there officially until Monday. But I want to get to ~
Kevin spoke: it's okay bro, I needed to get it out of my system. Feel much better for sharing. Captain Benson i would like to sincerely apologize for ranting about the friction of what's going on in the intelligence unit. I should've said it calmly.
Antonio spoke: nobody's mad. An lot of friction going on here and can we just work on sharing calmly, I know
*Voight spoke calmly in an angry tone* Benson I don't need you helping me with my own battles. I can handle my own team. I don't need you always picking
*Hank looked remorseful*