"I just want to say it is sad. A sad day. When our government would fire an employee and say it was based on performance when they know good and well that's a LIE
... that should not happen in our country. That was a sham to avoid statutory requirements."
... that should not happen in our country. That was a sham to avoid statutory requirements."
Boundaries don't exist there. You just do something, and see if there's pushback. And then see if you can keep going anyways.
This is how Uber steamrolled over municipal taxi rules
A/k/a the "what are they gonna do, call me pisher?" defense.
Rather, innovators are people who generally don't see "rules." They just imagine what could be done, and then do it.
In many cases, the absence of seeing boundaries leads to the creation of amazing new things.
And Elon is an evil person.
Occam’s Razor
Usually this has to do w breaking from "the way things have always been done," rather than outright breaking laws.
In some cases, it's bc the cost of the fines are immaterial to them. It's just seen as a cost of doing business.
By creating "facts on the ground," they create pressure for those regs to change.
Not just from themselves, but from the grassroots that wants the new thing.
Uber wrt taxi regs
Airbnb wrt rules governing hospitality biz's
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So, with that as a background to my understanding of "how judges and lawyers typically communicate in official proceedings", I must now say...
He is breathing fire.
And they deserve to burn.
Has any major publication done an article whose primary focus was the financial and career implications of the sham “performance” rationale? I haven’t seen one.
It was worded that way to keep them from getting unemployment benefits.
So they lied about the workers to doubly screw them over.
They were determined as a category of employees: all those on probationary status.
TRO will be extended.
The VA will immediately offer reinstatement to all probationary employees terminated on or about 2/13-14. The terminations were unlawful.
VA will cease all use of OPM's template termination notice.
Shall immediately advise all employees that the
VA must cease terminations at OPM's directives
OPM has no authority to direct termination
OPM is also precluded from giving "guidance" on terminations given DOJ's argument that OPM merely gave guidance not a directive
List of employees due in 1/2 weeks, along with description of what you did to comply
The same relief is extended to Depts of Ag, Defense, Energy, Interior, Treasury. May be later extended to other agencies, or removed from those.
If he goes full-tilt dictator and has to be removed from power other than by an election,
it will be duly noted that in one afternoon, the entire problem could have been solved.
Maybe a whole day for house to impeach and senate convict.
But instead ...