Baby Jesus let us pray, pray to the great dog in the sky that this man has a massive coronary on the shitter this evening. And Santa, all I want for xmas is to be able to defecate on this man's grave before my birthday on Monday.
Send this to everyone you know. Ask them to send it to everyone they know. Also, it would be helpful if somebody could fd out how much financial trouble Trump was in 1987. I wonder if we cd forge an exception to the impeachment rule 4 incontrovertible proof that the elected prez is a foreign agent?
I was a political prisoner of China. I would like to tell the American people, to whom I owe my freedom, especially my Republican friends, that the US is not Xi’s China. At any moment you should and can unite and oppose and stop Trump’s authoritarian tendency without being put in a Gulag or shot.
Who's doing the tooth fairy and easter bunny?
Free Palestine
You White supremacy liberial