Tarnished I am stuck.
Thy wouldn't do anything so hasty and foolish would thou???
#lewdrp #erp #stuckandvulnerable
Thy wouldn't do anything so hasty and foolish would thou???
#lewdrp #erp #stuckandvulnerable
What you said dear?
I can't understand you~
I'm sure you can help me can't you?
Don't try anything foolish you hear I am queen...
*Mirko rolled her eyes in show of mockery but went help the big blonde lady anyways, but obviously by grabbing her ass!
Stand still ''Queen'', let me just grab here and push a bit~
*Marika protested letting out a high yelp, her cheeks becoming red with blush, as she felt her backside being grabbed by the woman.
Let me pull instead~
*She did that entirely on purpose just to be able to give a nice rub with her crotch over that overly phat ass. But now she would actually try to help by pulling that same ass with all her strength!
*She demanded an answer feeling something hard rubbing against her juicy ass until she let out another yelp from the ruthless pulling but it was in vain. It was clear she wasn't getting unstuck anytime soon presenting the perfect opportunity.