#Covid #Covid19 #Dementia #BrainFog #Delirium
A 2024 study of people hospitalized for Covid treatment, three years after discharge, had 1 in 9 showing loss of mental function equivalent to a 30-point drop on the IQ scale (100 is average)
Abridged (shortened) article thread ⬇️ 6 min
A 2024 study of people hospitalized for Covid treatment, three years after discharge, had 1 in 9 showing loss of mental function equivalent to a 30-point drop on the IQ scale (100 is average)
Abridged (shortened) article thread ⬇️ 6 min
Long Covid Research
Loss of mental function etc
While not much in the way of solace, at least the multi-year data is coming out to scientifically support what you and millions of others have been experiencing since 2020.
Stay strong my dude.
Reddit ongoing thread discussion
A 2024 Covid study ... had 1 in 9 showing loss of mental function equivalent to a 30-point drop on the IQ scale (100 is average)
r/EverythingScience 2,400+ upvotes 190+ comments
In 2021, UK researchers reported early results from a study comparing brain scans before and after the pandemic began. They discovered signs of damage & accelerated aging in the brain, particularly for smell, even in patients who experienced mostly mild cases of Covid months earlier
For instance, a study of seniors hospitalized during China’s first Covid wave showed that 2 1/2 years later, 40% developed cognitive impairment, compared with just 14% of their uninfected spouses.
A 2024 UK study of people hospitalized for Covid treatment revealed a significant worsening of psychiatric and cognitive symptoms three years after discharge.