10 shows to get to know me:
1- 30 Rock
2- Angel
3- Madoka Magica
4- Violet Evergarden
5- Scrubs
6- Reaper
7- Arcane (the art💖)
8- Attack on Titan (pre-timeskip)
9- Cybersix
10- Gunslinger Girl
1- 30 Rock
2- Angel
3- Madoka Magica
4- Violet Evergarden
5- Scrubs
6- Reaper
7- Arcane (the art💖)
8- Attack on Titan (pre-timeskip)
9- Cybersix
10- Gunslinger Girl
Reposted from
10 shows to get to know me:
☄️Avatar: The last Airbender
💻Mr robot
🤖Black mirror
⚖️Daredevil / Jessica Jones
♟️Queen's gambit
🐉Game of thrones (there is no 8th season in Ba Sing Se)
⚔️Attack on titan
☄️Avatar: The last Airbender
💻Mr robot
🤖Black mirror
⚖️Daredevil / Jessica Jones
♟️Queen's gambit
🐉Game of thrones (there is no 8th season in Ba Sing Se)
⚔️Attack on titan
Or maybe I'm thinking of another show called Reaper 😅
Never heard someone talk about it in years, or talk about it at all haha